Tuesday, June 24, 2008

ascent continues -6

Day 10, 11, 12 self-abasement. The last few days of aspiring humble submission before the Lord have centerered upon very quiet, peaceful communion. "Be still and know that I am God". I'm in awe of the depth of quiet I am experiencing. If I could put words on it, it feels as if I'm going deeper and deeper into His presence. By day 12 I experience physical warmth in addition to the quiet peace. Since my current Bible study is to reflect the journey of ascent, I find myself walking through the days expecting forward movement, discovery, and greater levels of understanding. What will emerge as one connects deeper and deeper in communion with God. My human instinct is to worry about being overwhelmed by His presence but that is not what God has unfolded for me in our times together.

One puzzling statement I received from God was "find the secrets of the garden" (I can't remember if He said secret or secrets).

I went back and assembled the pieces of this present journey of ascent that connect with a garden (ie. these are statements from past posts)...
  • I saw a vision of a young girl on her hands and knees planting a seed in very fertile soil. God said, “Watch it grow.” The Lord is providing the fertile soil for my growth along this journey…seeds will be planted and growth is the outcome. I didn’t provide the soil, I’m not providing the seeds but this is all God’s work within me.

  • My feet have arrived upon the fertile soil of the Lord’s house of peace.

  • [the City of Peace] I was reminded of the phrase “bloom where you’re planted”

  • Perhaps the tears were watering the seeds just sowed in the fertile soil (day 3).

  • It’s not my job to see God’s work but to continue to be obedient to minister where He plants me.
Hmmm...growth, God's provision, God's peace, obedience...the secrets are vast. Or perhaps that's the secret...God and His Kingdom are beyond fathoming. Perhaps the secret is that our wisdom, knowledge, understanding and experience of God and His Kingdom grow and expand as we allow the Gardener to tend to every detail. There is no end to the depth and breadth of the knowledge of the Kingdom in relationship with God. We can never define the intricate, complex grandeur of the Kingdom but we can trust the Gardener fully. Give Him the fullest measure of the fertile soil of your heart and He will create a masterpiece. Perhaps the secret is a journey of trust? The fall of man was a fall of trust. Adam and Eve stopped trusting God and His provision in the garden and trusted the serpent and their own desires.

As I continue this pilgrimage deeper and deeper into the presence and fellowship of God I want to trust Him, grow in that trust and be challenged to go beyond...

Psalm 124 study...God is for us, on our side. In contrast to believing God's is indeed on our side...Beth describes us this way, "We proved a terrible disappointment to God, but because He is faithful to His covenant, He's obligated to see the plan to completion. Therefore, He tolerates us because He's stuck with us." How true:) I received the Psalm 23:6 verse "Surely goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life..." I found the word "follow" is also translated "chase after me" and "pursue me". That brought a whole new new meaning to that precious verse. Not only is God for us as Psalm 124 unveils but He pursues us and chases after us. Thank You Lord for Your pursuing love and faithful presence.

Is this part of the journey? First thing after my self-abasement today I discovered the Todd Bentley website regarding the Florida outpouring at Ignite Church. Hmmm. God, I'm listening!

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