Thursday, June 19, 2008

ascent continues -4

Day7 - self-abasement. (Today I was rather pressed for time and couldn’t give myself fully to quiet before the Lord. After all the ways God is speaking to me during this journey you’d think I could plan my day to include more quality time with Him. Lord forgive me.) I continue to grab hold of the Lord’s feet as I begin my time with Him. As I touched His feet I was so very aware that He was barefoot…I could see the hairs on His skin. The Lord bares Himself to us…there are no facades, false impressions or games. He IS what He is and makes Himself known to us through His amazing grace. Can I bare myself before this world? Can I live my life without masks or facades? Lord…continue to transform me into an authentic woman of humility and integrity.

Day8 - self-abasement. Lord before I descend please prepare my heart and mind to praise You fully, to be totally present in Your company and to listen attentively to Your will, plan, purposes…

I received absolute peace before God and an anointing of holiness and purity. I received a vision of a roaring fire within me…burning flesh. Thank You Lord! In the study we began Psalm 122..”I I lift my eyes to You, the One enthroned in heaven.” Lord I pray for fresh eyes to continuously look to You for all things. I pray for holy/pure eyes, expectant faith-filled eyes, loving, trusting patient eyes. Lord as you begin a new work in me of holiness and purity it must start with my eyes…draw my eyes to the heavens, to Your throne…burn away the flesh and the human yearnings that still draw me away from You. May my gaze upon You be as strong and persistent as Yours is upon me.

Week2 Beth Moore video - “I will sing with my spirit, but I will also sing with my mind.” 1Co14:15 Just as I must keep my eyes focused upon You, I need to focus my spirit and mind upon You. Lord I want to spend more time in worship singing with the deepest movements within my spirit.

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